You ready for this?

You ready for this? More sobering news…

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. That’s the whole idea. That’s the plan.let them launder as much money as they can print.

    Some amatuer economists think this is just devaluing the debt. As this has been past strategy. But what if it doesn’t stop? Which it will not.

    Only an empty cup can be filled. A worthless dollar leaves the only thing of real value. That which a person can produce with their own two hands. Useless hangers on, bureaucrats, fat management, bankers, inflated stocks…..will alll be gutted.

    Bring it on!

  2. God will provide for us
    He always has and always will
    He has His own agents working in the background 24/7 on we the people’s behalf
    Because of our innate nature we will ALWAYS PREVAIL
    Americans are the most generous giving and loving humans on the planet
    I’m not talking politics
    I’m talking spiritually
    We will be there for one another
    Remember how brave our soldiers are
    Not all of law enforcement is corrupt
    Because of the negative media crap we’re being fed a steady diet of fear
    How many times does the bible say FEAR NOT
    I say bring it on… this old lady ain’t dead yet!
    America had lost its grit
    We became complacent and spoiled
    Sometimes you need a common enemy to bring people together
    The enemy is tiny in comparison to the one billion souls who love freedom. One percent of satanic big mouths who dare to claim our sovereign future have tried endlessly through history to wipe the rest of us from the earth.
    Over and over again they use the same lame play book.
    The devil’s time is short and he knows it that’s why he’s so desperately trying everything he can to drag this country to hell with him.
    Put on your armor friends the wolf is at the door 🎯👍🔥🦅🇺🇸

    1. Hi Andrea
      I’d like to forward some memes to you but I’m not on fakebook or twatter etc.
      Do you have any other place I can send to?

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