Brownstone op.

Ever hear that expression before?

George Webb explained what it is in several of his earliest reports when describing how the deep state controls heads of state, royalty, and just about anyone else. I described it in a recent post.

Jack Posobiec and Alex Jones talked about the brownstone ops on a recent podcast. Check it out.

It’s nasty business.

From my notes taken during George Webb’s reports of 2015/16

“The CIA ran the parties, a brownstone operation, where you get the generals drunk and then introduce them to girls, and keep introducing them to younger girls at subsequent parties. They do this over the course of years. They’ve done this type of thing since Allen Dulles, 1949…

• Until you get to this situation where the kids are 12-13 <<points to Epstein and Clinton>>

• That’s when you have the camera, when you have maximum blackmail. They are willing to do this over the course of years. What they don’t want to do is uncover the operation.

• Brownstown operations: Craig Spence (?), Franklin Coverup, Second mile with Sandusky, many in Florida, in Boulder Colorado, Hollywood area with Scientology, DC Madam. Barney Frank had one

• Read the memoirs of the CIA Directors and they’ll say straight out, “yes we do this”

• 1100 hidden investors are going to be these NATO politicians and generals and US generals and politicians

Belgium is where British and French fought the Germans in WW1/2 and it’s their spiritual center; and it’s where the parties are. George says he’s a journalist who has been there and seen this whole system work and has reporting behind this.

• This relationship with the Brownstone operations have moved to NY to Paris to Africa to Little St James–Clinton Epstein Connection.

• Do you think Hillary is out there getting the Generals out there to go to these parties? No, it’s their seconds [in command], Doug Band for Bill, Philipe for Hillary, in Europe it was Valerie Plame”

That’s why this sex case is more important than Paula Broadwell–it’s about the blackmail and pedophila

• NATO C3 meetings and CENTCOM, where the State Dept people meet NATO generals, <<points at Philipe Reines>> I’m not saying its the current people at the State Dept, that’s why I put this [text] over Philipe, I’m pointing the finger; that’s why he’s lashing out at anything even approaching a sex scandal–it’s because he’s behind it all.

Cults are Brownstone operations

• Invite the families of the 40 Epstain Island kids who were drugged and sexed up until 30 and then ‘suicided’ in ‘accidents’ invite them to this research

• Invite Eva Bartlett (UN / Whitehats journalist) to this research — “good guy recruiting”

Anyone in the Monica Petersen investigation, tie them to the brownstone operation investigations with other lost children family investigators, put them together.

• Abusive/Usury Microfincancing == Microloansharking

• Anyone who was successful and then suddenly are paranoid and on medication and their life is destructing, that’s a sure sign of active surveillance. When they can’t figure out why their son or daughter OD’ed that’s a place for researchers.

• George talks about all the talking points he’s made before and what to search for on each point, to give researchers hints.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Thank you for reporting on my article.

    Brian D. Hill had been a victim of a digital brownstone operation. Win32/MoliVampire.A and the SBI forensic report saying files of interest were downloading to Brian’s computer between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013. Brian’s grandma, grandpa, mother, and Brian all saw the download dates. His computer was seized on August 28, 2012. So for 11 months after seizure of his computer, emule.exe continued downloading files.

    They brownstoned USWGO Alternative News. many people back then were confused, and some thought he was guilty of CP possession. Thanks to We Are Change, now the truth is coming out. the suppression of the State Bureau of Investigation forensic report during the FOIA lawsuit against the EOUSA. Serious corruption in Brian’s federal case. He was tortured by being given half of his needed diabetic insulin in the county jails. The U.S. Marshals knew he was suffering and was being tortured by being insulin after meals when doctors always recommend doing insulin shots around mealtime or before mealtime.

    They tortured him to plead guilty, the evidence against Brian Hill was not sufficient. The jury would have found Brian not guilty if it was a fair and honest jury trial. Brian is innocent and was brownstoned.

    A person who has intel said Brian David Hill = Innocence. Brian had proven it but is under the compromised judges, being blackmailed with God knows what it is. Once the corruption is exposed, it is time for Brian to have a new trial or acquittal.

    Again, thank you for bringing up this link. We have so much evidence of the judicial system not working correctly, something is wrong here. Attorney Lin Wood was right, something isn’t right here.

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