By anoldpieceofleather

Things Will Keep Getting Hotter

And hotter.

We’re at the point where every. American. citizen… whether they are conscious or unconscious, will make that decision — become literal slaves to the global elite masters — or — rid our great nation of treasonous sociopath sheeple and their elitist psychotic masters.

We’re way, way past what Americans thought was ‘typical politics as usual’. Those who are still asleep still think what is happening now is the ‘norm’.

The deep state is at that stage of panic where they have stopped the subtle actions they have used for many decades and are openly and brazenly committing treasonous acts.

Soros-backed judges are openly defying the rule of law. Their actions are no longer subtle.

The Mockingbird Media tools of the elite masters have taken the leashes off their slaves.

It can’t get more acute, more overt, more crystal clear what the radical left deep state/cabal is doing.

If you haven’t figured it out, they are doing their damnedest to start a civil war.

We can’t go there. If we do it will be the last resort. Or even the last thing we do, where the result will be a land mass that is no longer recognizable as the nation we were for almost 250 years.

None of the countries we have given help to will come to our aid. Zero.

Generations that have come before us and the generations who will proceed us deserve everything we can do to fight against this evil.

It’s up to us.  Use critical thinking. Prayer won’t hurt, either.

Make that decision while you are conscious.

Patty-cake and cutesy time is over.

Are you awake? Or woke?

Which is it?



By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. You mention the DS being in panic now. I realize there are/were thousands considered DS. And I believe one number I saw was 500,000 of the sealed documents. Any idea of how many have been arrested? I just wonder about how many will remain & continue to do us harm.

    1. that sounds about right. Not sure if any action has taken place on those indictments, although from my own observation, it does feel like a few no longer remain and those people now have “fill ins” or “actors” or clones, playing them. I notice differences in ear lobes, stature, height, weight, eye color… also notice evidence of masks being used.

      the closer Trump is to jail, the more patriots we have to make this movement happen! We all know he will be jailed.

      I wonder (and i’m sure) if any of those indictments will be total shockers.

  2. We are just watching a movie that has to play out to show the evil we are facing in our so called government. Turn off your darn TV and get a lfe.

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