McChrystal out


I’ll leave it to the guys at the military blogs to analyze the fallout and impact from Gen. Stanley McChrystal given the boot as a result of the controversial Rolling Stone article in which he and members of his closest staff let loose.

But from my perch, here’s what I see.  A four-star General who should have known better but whose comments, when examined without bias, do not merit his removal.

And in typical fashion, a commander in chief who never misses an opportunity to trade on a “crisis” and use it to his advantage. President Clench Jaw found some ass to kick, a four-star at that, to seem more “presidential” in the process.

Meanwhile, NATO announced eight more troop deaths Wednesday for a a total of 75 this month — matching the death toll of the deadliest month of the nine-year war in July 2009.

The dead service members include four Americans.

Much will be written by brighter minds than mine about this.  Suffice to say, none of this is good.  None of it.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. In any other time and place I might even buy into a thought process that this could have been salvaged. Unfortunately, those whose ideologies lean to the right are ALL going to say this is Obama flexing his muscle, this is Obama’s “trade on a crisis”. No matter what Obama does it’s wrong. So here’s my take: IT is NEVER ok for a 4 star General who absolutely SHOULD know better to take the shots this moron took at Obama and his staff as well as our Vice President. You name me ANY company that would tolerate an employee referring to his employers as clowns.

    This jerk got exactly what he deserved. What’s more, I will wager that this guy ends up a politician running for office within the next 2 years. THIS was his opportunity to get his name out there. Generals are very much like Presidents and every other politician, they look for what they can cash in on.

    Good riddance

  2. I agree with GEM in Dallas, NO General, regardless of how well respected, how smart, etc can get away with disrespecting the office of the President/Commander in Chief. As much as I dislike Obama & agree with what was said about him by McChrystal & his cronies; they were inappropriate comments for the forum in which they were made. To keep McChrystal on would make Obama/the US looker weaker to the rest of the world than he/we already do; which is the only reason why I’m surprised Obama didn’t keep him on.

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