As America does to Israel…



Today’s headlines

“For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen as thou hast done to Israel, it shall be done unto thee; thy reward shall return upon thine own head.” –Obadiah 1:15


John McTernan, author of As America Has Done to Israel, writes today at his website:

Washington summit: Direct talks get underway 09/02/10

The center of these talks is stopping Israel from building homes. Let’s see how Obama responds and pressures Israel about building!

“Meanwhile, President Abbas called on Israel to end all settlement activity and to totally remove its embargo on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.” “We call on the Israeli government to move forward with its commitment to end all settlement activities and completely lift the embargo over the Gaza Strip,” Abbas said.”

Israeli moratorium key to talks 09/01/10

“The chairman of Israel’s largest settler organization in the disputed territory of the West Bank on Wednesday predicted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government will collapse if he renews a moratorium on construction inside the settlements as part of the first direct Arab-Israeli peace talks since 2008.”

What a warning from the LORD as a massive Category 4 hurricane is pointed right at the East Coast of the US at the exact time the meeting to divide Israel is taking place on the East Coast!

Hurricane Warning Expanded as Earl Charges Up East Coast 09/02/10

This is just the beginning as Obama and Clinton push this plan to divide Israel, disaster after disaster is going to overtake America. I really sense this is God’s end-game for America. The church is no longer the salt, but is bitter as it is married to the world and has no fear of the LORD whatsoever. I thank God for the small remnant that has not bowed its knee to baal.

This is the time for the real remnant to focus on the LORD as deeply as possible. With your spiritual eyes you are about to see the Holy God of Israel arise like He did in the Exodus. It is obvious right now that His first target is the United States of America with a massive hurricane aimed directly at the East Coast. Remember, this is just the beginning. Will the hurricane turn and skirt the coast? No matter what happens, this hurricane shows us that the Day of Judgment has arrived.

Whether you see it the way John McTernan does or not, he makes a compelling case for his argument. Drawing from newspaper headlines over the past decades, McTernan shows the direct correlation between massive natural disasters striking America and national events as they relate to Israel.

McTernan joins us tonight with his observations of today’s headlines.

Also, Constitutional scholar Bruce Ray Riggs, Florida candidate for US Senate.


9p ET

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. A few years ago, the book “Eye of the Storm” pointed out this same effect. The author tracked years of natural disasters, and showed that major disasters in the United States ALWAYS follwed within three days of an American policy decision against Israel.

    A few days ago, news stories focused upon the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and the fact that some people still are not able to RE-SETTLE there. Hmmmmmmm.

    Now, the conditions in the Atlantic (a triangle of three storms) are very similar to those that converged to produce “The Perfect Storm” several years ago. I believe it is more than mere coincidence that the largest of those storms could easily strike Washington, DC, during the current round of purported “peace” talks.

    It is also more than mere coincidence that these talks are happening only a few days prior to another “perfect storm”. I refer to the upcoming TRIAD of dates for likely terror attacks next week. Thursday (09 Sep) is Rosh Hashanah, the second-holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Friday (10 Sep) is Eid al-Fitr, the feast at the end of the Ramadan fast. And, of course, Saturday is the ninth anniversary of the “9-11” attacks. The only surprise to me would be if a terrorist attack did NOT occur during those three days. (And, I do not rule out that the Islamists would conduct a false-flag attack upon the planned NYC mosque site, to make themselves appear to be “victims”.)

    IF THE THREE HURRICANES CONVERGE, the most likely track would put the convergence in the SAME VICINITY as an asteroid strike that I predicted in my book, Tribulation: 2008.–publ.html

    Coincidence?? I think not.

  2. By the excitement on their faces I can imagine the meeting will be filled with love and will-full spirits.

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