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Could it be that all is not what it seems with the House Rules Committee’s decision to reject Rep. Steve King’s proposal to fully defund ObamaCare?

Could it be that they were thinking if they allowed King to do it, it would have opened up to the Democrats a plethora of amendments to tinker with — like Medicare, Social Security and other entitlements?  Could it be that the Republicans would rather handle the reforms for those entitlements separately?

Could it then be that when a bill that includes discretionary and mandatory spending is brought to the floor, either side can amend, opening everything up for grabs, giving the Dems an opportunity to shape the debate on cutting Medicare etc, and creating a procedural disaster for Republicans this week?

Could it be the Republicans are biding their time and plan to address the issue of Obamacare separately at a future date?

Could it be that the Republicans want to shape that debate on their own terms because they hate the Obamacare bill and would like to rip it apart?  And the only way to destroy it is to kill it and defund it with home court advantage?

Could it be that the Republicans have chosen to take it up as a separate issue when dealing with the 2012 budget and appropriations bills?

And that today just isn’t the right time when dealing with a Continuing Resolution to fund the government’s operations?

Could it be that the House, having already repealed the Obamacare bill will, in the next couple of months, take up the battle in that season of budget setting and appropriations cuts?

Could it be???

Here are the members of your HOUSE RULES Committee – Cowards, every one of them?


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


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