Deconstructing Obama with Jack Cashill

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Deconstructing Obama-PREORDEROn Wednesday night we will welcome back Jack Cashill to my radio show to talk about his newly released book Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President.

The Andrea Shea King Show, 9pm ET on Blog Talk Radio

From the book jacket:

Deconstructing Obama tells the story of what happens when a citizen journalist discovers a game-changing reality that the media refuse to acknowledge. Despite their rejection, Cashill expanded his research into Obama’s literary canon.

As he came to see, if Dreams From My Father serves as sacred text, the poem “Pop” is the Rosetta stone, the key to deciphering Obama’s shrouded past, his fragile psyche, and his uniquely cryptic political life. In unlocking that past, Cashill discovered that the story Obama has been telling all his life varies from the true story in ways big and small.

In fact, much of Obama’s life story appears to be a wholly constructed fabrication, one that Jack ‘deconstructs’ to show the world just who Barack Obama really is.

In a review about the book, I wrote the following:

“It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma;
but perhaps there is a key…”

What Winston Churchill once said of Russia might be applied to Barack Hussein Obama.

If you have read Obama’s autobiography Dreams From My Father, you know only what the author wants you to know about his life.

When you read Jack Cashill’s Deconstructing Obama, The Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President, you will learn more about Obama than Obama himself  intended.

Using Obama’s literary output, Cashill carefully peels away a diaphanous veil that reveals data points throughout the murkiness of Obama’s past.

Cashill discovers literary clues that cause him to suspect that Obama did not write his own biography.  Who did?  The literary path Cashill follows leads to “just some guy in the neighborhood”.

Cashill noticed that Obama’s work was similar to the classic maritime epic The Odyssey by Homer, and he puzzled why Obama sprinkled nautical terms throughout his writings.

Cashill knew that 1960’s Weather Underground domestic terrorist Bill Ayers had spent considerable time at sea as a merchant mariner, and on a hunch picked up a copy of Ayers’ Fugitive Days.  Cashill noticed that words and phrases in Ayers’ book bore striking similarities to those in Obama’s Dreams, leading him to conclude that it could not be just coincidence. In doing so, Cashill uncovers more questions than answers about the enigmatic Obama.

In Deconstructing Obama, Cashill explores Obama’s childhood from infancy; his white socialist mother, absent Kenyan father, and communist sympathizing grandparents;  the people who mentored and influenced him; dates, times and places; and those with whom he surrounds himself today, giving the reader more insight into the man elected to the Presidency than Obama himself divulged in Dreams.

Cashill’s investigation follows the literary breadcrumbs that lead back to Chicago’s Hyde Park, compeling the reader to take a closer look at the man who occupies the White house.

Cashill couldn’t find the key to Obama’s past, so he picked the lock.

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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