I’m packed and looking at the weather

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In little more than 12 hours I’ll be on my way to the airport to fly west to California where I’ll meet fellow Tea Party Express team members who are also flying in from all over the country.  The goal:  Kick off a 17-day coast to coast tour, originating from the Napa Valley Fairgrounds on Saturday.

I’ve packed everything I’ll need for as many days in my trusty trim black Travelpro Roll-Aboard suitcase and a backpack that will stow my computer and associated paraphernalia. Traveling light this time around.  (I’ll let you know how that works out…)  No bags to check, everything travels with me.  I learned the last time when the garment bag with all my clothing didn’t make it to Reno when I did.

And I’m keeping an eye on the weather.  The winds associated with “Mean Irene” have already picked up and are predicted to be blowing here on the Space Coast at 25-35 mph overnight with rain squalls.  Hoping by the time I leave in the morning, the worst will have caromed north of us and the drive to the airport will be event-free. We here in Florida got lucky this time. My sympathy is with the folks on the Carolina outer banks and in the NY/NJ/NE area who will suffer the full brunt of this first ferocious hurricane of the season.  Good times…

Here’s the latest bulletin from the Sacramento HQ offices of the Tea Party Express.  I hope you’ll come out and join us if we’re rolling into a town near you.  Let’s show the naysayers on the left (and the DC-GOP cocktail party crowd) that we the people mean business. Remember, there’s strength in numbers.

CONTACT: Levi Russell at Levi@FrontlineStrat.com, or (509) 979-6615

Further details released on Saturday’s “Super Rally” in Napa, CA

Tea Party Express (www.TeaPartyExpress.org) is releasing new details of the upcoming “Super Rally” in Napa, CA this weekend. The rally is expected to draw large crowds of conservative supporters throughout Northern California, and will serve as a launch party for the group’s 29-city “Reclaiming America” tour.

WHEN:       Saturday August 27th from 10am – 2pm
WHERE:     Napa Valley Expo in Napa, CA
WHAT:       Conservative speakers, singers, & entertainment. Food & drink vendors and wine tasting will be available on site. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early and bring a blanket or lawnchair and sunscreen.The event is open the public and the press.

A television ad campaign promoting the tour kickoff is now playing throughout the Bay Area, and can be viewed below.


The Napa “Super Rally” will feature a lineup of high profile conservative leaders from both local and national groups, as well as celebrities and performers such as:

  • Master of Ceremonies: popular radio hosts Armstrong & Getty
  • Amy Kremer, Chair of Tea Party Express
  • Howard Kaloogian, Chair of Our Country Deserves Better PAC
  • Pam Silleman, Napa Tea Party
  • Billie Tucker, Florida Tea Party
  • Pat Boone, Actor & Singer
  • Jimmy Labriola, Comedian and longtime star on Home Improvement
  • Sharron Angle, Author and Nevada Republican Nominee for Senate
  • Andrea Shea King, radio host
  • Eric Odom, Patriot Action Network
  • David Spady, Americans For Prosperity
  • Tabitha Hale, Freedom Works
  • Tony Katz, PJTV host, radio host, blogger
  • Debbie Lee, Gold Star Mom & activist
  • Mike Holler, Author & Expert on the Constitution

Singers will perform such as Lloyd Marcus, The Rivoli Revue, Polatik, Diana Nagy, Remnant, and Bruce Bellot.

The full “Reclaiming America” tour schedule is available online at: http://www.teapartyexpress.org/tour-schedule.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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