Ann Coulter. NOT a conservative.

Read the piece at the Spectator by David Catron, a health care revenue cycle expert who has spent more than twenty years working for and consulting with hospitals and medical practices. He has an MBA from the University of Georgia and blogs at Health Care BS, and he takes Coulter/Romney apart.

As she deserves to be.

Who Castrated Ann Coulter?

By on 2.6.12

She once had cast iron… well… courage. Now she’s backing the “safe” GOP candidate.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I know you are in the tank for Newt. I respect that. I, I guess would be in the tank for Mitt. The reason is that he now, before included Michelle and Rick Santorum are deeply rooted Christians with a strong grounded fundamental belief system they would carry into the White House. There are a lot of things I like about Newt, at least, in what he says. However, he is a Washington insider and it is not something that he can dismiss by saying he is an outsider. Our country is in trouble. We are not just in trouble with our economy, our loose social values we are in trouble with God. Unless we make that right. Unless we bring him into both the conversation and into the White House we have no hope in turning around this out of control downward spiral. Is Mitt a total conservative – the obvious answer is NO. But neither is Newt. The tea party had a chance to do something really big this election but they has in essence threw both their candidates under the bus. That said, the polls have been very clear as to who can beat Obama and of all of them Newt, minus Ron Paul has the least chance. This election is not about who the most conservative candidate maybe it is about how we dump Mr. O. We had tried over and over again in the courts – they are too corrupt. The last stand is November. We lose that election we lose this country or we erupt into a civil war.

    PS: I just heard on the news this morning that Obama is hosting a state dinner for the troops. What a joke. He is about to rip their nickers in less benefits and higher healthcare costs and I guess he wants to thank them for being his goat.

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