The Obama Foundation looking for artifacts for display at Presidential Museum. Got any?

THREAD (with replies)

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How about this one.

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How about my insurance cancellation letter?

Where to start, where to start….

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How about the pallets used to send billions in cash to Iran?  Or maybe some of the murder weapons he released into society through Fast & Furious?

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How about the pillow Obama slept on while Ambassador Stevens was being murdered? Maybe the golf ball from his remarks after James Foley was beheaded?

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Be sure to display one of the rifles he gave to the Mexican cartels that killed a BPA.

Pictures of big Mike pregnant? Would love to see those.

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How about all the fraudulent votes from illegals and dead people.

The first brown paper bag that he received a pile of money in!

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Feel Free to use these:

Fast and Furious
Failed Coup D’etat
No Deals
Uranium One
Muslim EX-President
Pallets Of Cash To Iran
Cash for Clunkers
Bank Bailout
Shovel Ready Jobs

Proof of the ‘Shovel Ready Projects.  I have a shovel ready for a job.

How about a graph with the unemployment numbers on it… maybe a picture of the pallet of cash that went to our enemy Iran.

I’m sure Trump would be happy to unseal some documents for you, give him a call.

How about his yearbook from Columbia?

His real Birth Certificate

The teleprompter, which of course, I do not possess but is a must-have piece of history. He’d have been nothing without it.

Hillary’s and his off-the-books emails.

Obama’s college transcripts. That would be awesome.

How about his interview with Bill OReilly during which he swore there was not a “smidgen of corruption” in the IRS!!

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Other suggested artifacts:

    the idol of a monkey that he said he carries in his pocket

    his romantic notes to Reggie Love (the guy on the beach)

    his foreign-student (Pakistan) application to Occidental College

    copies of all the articles he wrote as editor of Harvard Law Review (oh, wait….)

    anything at all that he has actually “built”

    his guns and Bible….

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