Bill Gates, Lizard

Earlier today, Garrett M. Ziegler posted a video on TELEGRAM, writing:

“This is exactly what Bill is like in person, too. The man is definitely on the spectrum, which I have no problem with, of course, it’s just relevant considering his work.

“He is in a class of what I call #LizardPeople. Zuck is there. Dorsey, too. They’re actually miserable people who— because they cannot be content with a quiet life w family — use the rest of the world as a big science fair project to experiment on. That is William Gates.

If anyone wants to transcribe this hilarious and eerily accurate video, I’d appreciate it.”

Well, someone (“n burch”) did transcribe it. And here it is:


“Hello, Useless Eaters.

As your unqualified, non-elected global Human Health Overlord, I’d like to take this opportunity to flaunt my position of power and influence over society and share some of my plans for you, and your future.  

When I amassed my fortune in computer software, I demonstrated that I was willing to lie, steal code, cheat my partners, and exercise monopolistic control to destroy my competitors. Now that I’ve retired, I can re-brand  myself as a humanitarian, with my For-Profit foundation masquerading as a charity, I can advocate for population reduction, and sponsor mass human experiments with unproven vaccines in vulnerable populations.  

Like my Father,  a powerful banker, eugenicist, and Rockefeller crony himself, it’s always been my ambition to decide who lives, and more importantly, how many have to die.

Whether it’s under the guise of climate change, or world health, it’s really all about controlling and culling the human herd for fun and profit.

In November of last year, I hosted Event 201, a war game simulation of a global pandemic.  Leaders from private corporations, global banks, governments and the media got together to strategize ways to align in lock step when responding to a world wide health crisis.

Using a coordinated campaign of fear mongering, intimidation, social shaming, and economic blackmail, we realized we could get around dangerous philosophies like individual liberty and national sovereignty.  With an obedient population, we would be free to implement our own top down solutions like forced quarantines, social distancing, contact tracing and mandatory testing as a means to seize technocratic control of society.

Now imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to release, er, declare our own global pandemic.  It was my chance to look like the Nostradamus of public health, and to position myself and business partners like Dr. Fauci as the de facto authorities on response and solutions. 

Through exaggerated doomsday scenarios, and computer simulations, our petty control freaks instituted harsh rules and draconian lockdowns.”

Here’s the video:

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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