X22 REPORT – First Arrest Will Verify Action & Confirm Future Direction, Durham, [DS] Will Fight Back

The IRS is now pushing the tax date back to May 15 because of the virus.

[JB] is now killing jobs all over the country, the economy will begin to suffer and degrade. The major financial institutions are now allowing the wealthy to transfer the wealth into bitcoin, this does not mean others can not do this. The transition away from fiat has begun.

The [DS]/MSM are panicking, they cannot keep control of the narrative. The people are waking up and asking questions and now the MSM is forced to admit what is going on and the Biden admin is now trapped. Sounds very familiar to the riots.

The Durham investigation is proceeding, there have been no leaks. Trump and the Patriots have been pushing the [DS] into this position, when it starts to unfold the [DS] will fight back.

BREAKING: IRS pushes April 15 tax deadline to May 15 – CNBC

America Last: Ford Announces Plans to Move Plant to Mexico 2 Months After Biden Enters Office

  • Ford announced this week it plans to move a major project from northeast Ohio to Mexico.
  • Ford went back on its 2019 promise to invest $900 million in the Avon Lake plant.
  • What a difference two months make.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Biden cancels 80 million acre oil-lease sale, putting Louisiana oil and gas industry in danger 

  • “It would kill our state. It would kill workers,” Mike Moncla, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, said of the Biden administration’s move. “It would kill jobs, and it would be a terrible thing.”
  • According to the Moncla and the association, nearly 250,000 Louisiana residents work in the oil and gas industry, and 98,000 of them have offshore jobs.
  • President Joe Biden banned all new oil and gas leases on public land and waters for 60 days in an executive order on Jan. 20, the day he took office.
  • He also canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline project, resulting in the loss of as many as 11,000 energy jobs. This is all part of a sweeping initiative to make climate change the focal point of Biden’s foreign policy and national security programs.

Source: wnd.com

JUST IN – China to propose a reversal of Trump-era sanctions & policies at the high-level meeting with Biden officials in Alaska (

Morgan Stanley becomes the first big U.S. bank to offer its wealthy clients access to bitcoin funds 

  • The investment bank told its financial advisors   in an internal memo that the bank is launching access to three funds that enable ownership of bitcoin, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter.
  • The bank is only allowing its wealthier clients access to the volatile asset: The bank considers it suitable for people with “an aggressive risk tolerance” who have at least $2 million in assets held by the firm. Investment firms need at least $5 million at the bank to qualify for the new stakes.v
  • Morgan Stanley is the first big U.S. bank to offer its wealth management clients access to bitcoin funds,  

Source: cnbc.com

Biden green screen

Biden has no plans to visit the southern border ‘at the moment’ 

73% of Voters Concerned About Biden’s Migrants Are Bringing COVID Into the Country 

  • Over 100,000 illegal migrants flooded across the US Southern border in February thanks to Joe Biden’s new open border policies.
  • 13,000 alien children are now held in migrant camps thanks to Joe Biden.
  • Hundreds of migrants have tested positive for the COVID virus and thousands of others were not even tested.
  • Now, a new poll by Rasmussen finds that 73% of Americans are concerned about Biden’s illegal migrants brining COVID into the country. 
  • Arizona hospitals are seeing a surge in COVID cases recently.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

‘It Is A Humanitarian Crisis’: CNN’s John Avlon Says Biden ‘Can’t Afford To Ignore’ Border Problem

  • CNN’s John Avlon said   that President Joe Biden “can’t afford to ignore” the problem at the U.S. southern border.

Source: daiycaller.com

Biden Tells Migrants Not to Come to US as Trump Warns President’s Policies Will Destroy Country 

  •  President Joe Biden has warned migrants against making the journey to America, in a statement that comes as his team is struggling to tackle a surge of refugees at the US-Mexico border.

“I can say quite clearly don’t come over. Don’t leave your town or city or community”,

  • Trump Warns US Migration Crisis Will Worsen
  •  warned that the migration crisis in the US is “going to get much worse”, arguing “you will see those numbers [of refugees] expand at a level like you have never seen before”.
Asylum seeking migrant families and unaccompanied minors from Central America take refuge in a makeshift U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing center under the Anzalduas International Bridge after crossing the Rio Grande river into the United States from Mexico in Granjeno, Texas, U.S., March 12, 2021. REUTERS/Adrees Latif/File Photo

“It is a disgrace. They are going to destroy our country if they don’t do something about it”, Trump asserted.

Source: sputniknew.com

DHS Officials Warned Biden Transition Team About Revoking Trump Border Policies, Former Top Adviser Says 

  • Career officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team that revoking President Donald Trump’s border policies would have “catastrophic consequences,” according to Stephen Miller, who served as Trump’s top adviser on immigration issues at the White House.
  • “Biden’s transition team was warned by career DHS officials that terminating our proven border security measures would lead to catastrophic consequences… they ignored those warnings and voluntarily unleashed chaos,” Miller wrote on Twitter on March 17.

Source: theepochtimes.com

Illegal Immigrants On Terrorist Watch List Arrested At Border One Day After Corporate Media Accused Republicans Of ‘Lying’

  •  House Minority Leader Republican Kevin McCarthy told reporters in El Paso, Texas,   that Border Patrol was arresting people from the terrorist watch list originating from countries such as “Yemen, Iran, Turkey,” publications clamored to “fact-check” the representative and deny his claims.
  • Media said he was lying and the did some fact checks. 
  • “Republicans revive one of Trump’s most notorious immigration lies,” one Vox article stated.
  • MSNBC alleged that McCarthy “may have gotten ahead of his talking points yesterday” and said that his comments left “reason for skepticism.”
  • “Democrats Call Bullsh-t on McCarthy’s Claim That Suspected Terrorists Have Been Caught at Mexico Border,” The Daily Beast said.
  • Axios even claimed in its scoop that “Former President Trump and other conservatives have frequently warned — sometimes inaccurately — about foreign terrorists entering the United States via the southern border,” citing an NBC News “fact-check” of Trump’s former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.
  • Customs and Border Protection has arrested at least four people at the U.S.-Mexico border matching names listed in the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database since Oct. 1 of last year, the agency confirmed to Congress on Tuesday. the arrestees were from Yemen and one was from Serbia, outnumbering “similar people taken into custody during recent full fiscal years, according to the source.”
  • The announcement comes just days and even mere hours after multiple corporate media outlets and Democrats denied Republican legislators’ claims that some of the people attempting to cross the border were terrorists.

Source: thefederalist.comhttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1371866276692434954&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fx22report.com%2Ffirst-arrest-will-verify-action-confirm-future-direction-durham-ds-will-fight-back-ep-2429%2F&theme=light&widgetsVersion=e1ffbdb%3A1614796141937&width=550px

Georgia Official Jordan Fuchs Is Totally Cool with Lying to Far Left WaPo About President’s Phone Call – Damaging Trump and GOP Candidates 

  • The Washington Post outed Jordan Fuchs as their anonymous source 
  • Fuchs provided the WaPo with a fraudulent Trump quote just days before the Georgia Senate runoff.
    They planned it to do most damage to President Trump and the Republicans before the January 5th runoff elections.
  • Fuchs ran Raffensberger’s campaign for Secretary of State.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Washington Post Accuses Trump Of A Crime Based On Fabricated Quotes

  • the original story was impactful. “The president’s attempts to intervene in an ongoing investigation could amount to obstruction of justice or other criminal violations, legal experts said, though they cautioned a case could be difficult to prove,” reported the Post story.
  • The conclusion a sitting president may have committed a crime is still in the corrected story, even though that conclusion was initially at least partly based on fabricated quotes.

Source: thefederalist.com

BREAKING: Judge Rules MI Sec. of State Benson Directed City Clerks to Ignore Signature Matching Law on Absentee Ballots in Nov. 2020 Election 

  •  a Michigan judge has ruled that Michigan’s Secretary of State did in fact direct city clerks to ignore signature matching law on absentee ballots in the 2020 election.   

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


UPDATE: Judge Rules that the Group ‘Voter GA’ Can Unseal Fulton County Georgia Ballots and Inspect Them for Invalid Votes in the 2020 Election 

  • A judge in Georgia has granted a group of concerned citizens (Voter GA) permission to inspect the votes in Fulton County Georgia. 
  • According to Georgia Star News a judge in Georgia has allowed a group to audit the state’s ballots in Fulton County (Atlanta):
  • Let’s hope this group can perform an adequate forensic review of these ballots and identify all ballots that are invalid that were counted in the 2020 election.

Source: thegatewaypundit.comPoll: 75% Support Voter ID Law, Including 60% of Democrats

  • A new poll  by Rasmussen Reports indicates that 75% of Americans support voter ID laws that require voters to show photo identification before voting — including 60% of Democrats. Only 21% oppose such laws.
  •  Voter ID is standard in much of the rest of the world — including poor, war-torn regions such as Uganda and Iraq, below.

Source: breitbart.com


2855Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/21/2019 17:34:56  ID: cb3473

Archive Bread/Post Links: 5311195 / 5311412
Direct Link: 5311412


Welcome to the Democrat Party.
Time to adopt VOTER ID LAW?


2610Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12/12/2018 18:45:22  ID: 0836cc

Will voter fraud be exposed before January?
2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.

Geopolitical/Police State

Georgia Shooter Confesses, Blames Sex Addiction Even As Democrats, GOP Chairwoman Blame Hate Against Asians – Police

  • Democrat and Republican leadership are calling it a hate crime, even after police say the suspect blames his sex addiction.
  • Police say Robert Aaron Long, the man accused of murdering 8 people, two of white descent and six of Asian descent, in a series of Atlanta massage parlors on Tuesday has confessed to his crimes. Long, according to police, says he was not motivated by hatred toward the Asian community, but instead blamed the massage parlors for his “sex addiction.”
  • The suspect did take responsibility for the shootings. He said that early on once we began the interviews with him. He claims, as the Chief said, this is still early, but he does claim that it was not racially motivated,” said the Atlanta police in a press conference on Wednesday.

Source:  nationalfile.com


White House Press Sec. says there is “no question” that the Trump administration calling COVID the ‘Wuhan virus’ has led to uptick in attacks on Asian Americans

Hasn’t the MSM and the Corrupt Politicans calling the variants in the same way. The South African variant. UK variant. Brazilian variant. New York variant. California variant. All names used by media, politicians, & scientists — incl Dr. Fauci — to describe COVID. But no “China virus”? Beijing is grateful for your service.


Reports of More American Troops Entering Syria – What Is Biden Doing and Does He Know He’s Doing It?

  • A US convoy of trucks is entering Northern Syria per reports from that country.  
  • During President Trump’s time in office, ISIS was obliterated in the Middle East.  That evil group was annihilated in a matter of months after festering and growing during the Obama years.  ISIS’s leader was killed in an operation named after an American girl whom he raped repeatedly and daily for months
  •  A new convoy of US occupation trucks loaded with logistic materials have entered Hasaka countryside via the illegal border crossings with northern Iraq to support the occupation’s bases in Hasaka countryside.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Biden warns US may miss deadline to exit Afghanistan

  • US President Joe Biden has said that it would be “tough” to meet the deadline to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan by May 1, as agreed with the Taliban in a deal secured under Donald Trump.
  • The Taliban insurgents have largely stuck to a promise not to attack US or other foreign troops since the agreement was struck in February last year, but they say the date to end America’s longest war is inflexible.

False Flags – Joe Biden Requests Mask Wearing ‘Until Everyone Is Vaccinated’ 

  • President Joe Biden wants Americans to wear masks “until everyone is in fact vaccinated,” indefinitely extending his previous request past the allotted 100 days.

Source: breitbart.comhttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1372196909130080257&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fx22report.com%2Ffirst-arrest-will-verify-action-confirm-future-direction-durham-ds-will-fight-back-ep-2429%2F&theme=light&widgetsVersion=e1ffbdb%3A1614796141937&width=550px

Biden doesn’t want families in Dallas grilling in their backyard until the fourth of July, but he has no problem putting 3,000 illegal immigrants in their convention center.

No Covid Deaths in Six Days in Sarasota, Florida 

  •  Sarasota FL   a major tourist destination and, since November, has seen the annual flood of “snowbirds” from the northern states and Canada. That fact alone should have created a “Superspreader” event, but it did not. The number of infections have dropped along with the number of fatalities attributed to Covid.
  • “No deaths” sure does not fit the meme of a rampaging pandemic that is wiping out the American people, or the world for that matter. And this fact highlights the absurdity of the massive lock-downs that eviscerated large segments of the United States economy, denied people treatment for other diseases, such as cancer, and a surge in suicides and drug overdose.
  • We no longer trust so-called experts who are guilty of masquerading politics as some sort of sacred scientific principle. I am content to stick to actual numbers. March 10 – March 15–NO COVID DEATHS IN SARASOTA. How do you like that science Dr. Fauci?

Source: thegatewaypundit.com Trump: COVID Vaccine Is ‘a Great Vaccine, it’s a Safe Vaccine,’ and I ‘Recommend It’ 

  •  President Donald Trump said the coronavirus vaccine is “a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works” and is “really saving our country, and it’s saving, frankly, the world.”
  • Trump said, “Fortunately, in my administration, and through what I did, frankly, and others, but what I did with the FDA is I forced them to move quickly and we got the vaccine done in nine months instead of five years. … But we got a vaccine done in nine months, and, fortunately, that’s not only going to save our country, it’s going to save the world.”
  • He later added, “It works incredibly well, 95%, maybe even more than that. It works incredibly well. And it’s really saving our country, and it’s saving, frankly, the world.”
  • Host Maria Bartiromo then asked, “Would you recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine, then?”
  • Trump responded, “I would. I would recommend it. And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly. But, again, we have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works.”

Source: breitbart.com


Michigan AG Says It Would Be An Abuse Of Her Powers To Grant GOP Request For Investigation Into Gretchen Whitmer’s Handling Of Nursing Homes 

  • Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel declined a GOP request for an investigation into Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s handling of COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes.
  • Nessel said the lawmakers did not provide sufficient evidence to justify an investigation into claims that Whitmer’s orders led to more COVID-19 deaths and an undercounting of fatalities in nursing homes.

Source: dailycaller.comMichigan GOP Wants Special Prosecutor, Subpoenas for Coronavirus Nursing Home Deaths  

  • A group of Michigan GOP lawmakers says they plan to issue subpoenas and bring in a special prosecutor to obtain data that would help explain why coronavirus patients were placed with non-coronavirus patients in nursing homes.
  • “This is a real issue as to why was that done, what were the ramifications, and what is the data,” state Sen. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) told WJBK. “We are not going to get that, at least from the attorney general.”
  • They are asking families of those who died from the coronavirus in a nursing home to speak out.
  •  34 percent of coronavirus deaths in Michigan took place in nursing homes.

Source: breitbart.com

Judicial Watch sues for records of New York, Pennsylvania covid nursing homes policies

  • Judicial Watch announced that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for records about New York and Pennsylvania nursing home policies and procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • “Thousands of nursing home residents in New York and Pennsylvania may have died thanks to those states’ Covid-19 mandates,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The public, particularly those who lost loved ones due to the policies of the Cuomo and Wolf administrations, have a right to know the full truth about this public health scandal.”

Source: worldtribune.com

Portland Mayor Who Coddled Anarchists and Defended Violent Demonstrations Now Says City Is “Sick and Tired” of the Violence 

  • In 2018 Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler defended his decision to have police stand down as Antifa terrorists wreaked havoc in the city.
  • Wheeler even supported the black bloc rioters after they nearly burned a community center to the ground.
  • Wheeler even sent President Trump a nasty letter refusing assistance with the nightly ongoing rioting in 2020.

Just The News reported:

Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler says city residents and business owners are “sick and tired” of the destruction and violence associated with essentially nine straight months of social justice demonstrations.

Why Haven’t the Durham or Hunter Biden Investigations Ended Yet?

  • A special counsel’s office (SCO) makes and unseals its own indictments. It can investigate and prosecute cases with its own prosecutors completely apart from the Department of Justice (DOJ). 
  • The popular—and wrong—understanding of how an SCO functions is that while it can do its own independent investigations and can build cases against targets, if the SCO wants to proceed with criminal indictments, all of a sudden the attorney general and the DOJ take over at that point and begin approving or denying the charging decisions of the special counsel.
  • This is flatly false.
  • Nobody seems to remember how the Mueller special counsel’s investigation ended with one of the most unusual developments ever.
  • Mueller’s probe ended with his being unwilling to decide whether then-President Donald Trump should be charged with obstruction of justice. Instead of coming to a resolution about that, Robert Mueller handed that decision to the DOJ and Barr and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.
  • Both Barr and Rosenstein publicly expressed surprise and disappointment that Mueller and his team of independent prosecutors refused to make their own charging decision.
  • Reluctantly, Barr and Rosenstein then did Mueller’s job for him and made the decision to dismiss the charge rather than make the indictment.
  • This idea that Durham must run each of his charging decisions by Garland for an official thumbs up or thumbs down before he can proceed to file his own independent indictment is absurd.
  •   ever since the Durham SCO was formally announced last November, and while it was expanding its number of prosecutors, not one journalist has had any success getting any leaks out of that office.

Source: theepochtimes.com





3716 Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 17:03:45  ID: 4e4d4aArchive Bread/Post Links: 7537521 / 7538263
Direct Link: 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].

QRex put this ou

1. Remember this.

The criminals desperately need to incite violence from the #MAGA movement.

They were hoping for mob violence on Jan 6. Didn’t happen.

They’ve been trying to provoke violence ever since.

Evil, evil people.

2. Inciting violence is the only way that they can legitimize their fraud.

As each day passes without violence from Trump’s people, their panic grows.

This means two things.

Eventually, they will fabricate it. Think the Reichstag Fire. That was supposed to be Jan 6.

Didn’t work.

3. Now they will need to fabricate something else.

Who knows what these amoral things will concoct.

When it happens, again – stay disciplined.


It’s not needed. They are incompetent, corrupt fools, who will end up destroying themselves.

Unless you get in the way.

4. Of course if they can’t get violence at home, they will try and start a war overseas, to distract from the disaster that is Biden/Harris.

They’re already stoking trouble in the Ukraine.

The morons think that igniting conflict with Russia (a nuclear armed state) is a good idea.

Of course, it is not. Putin is a gangster, but be under no illusions. The Russians are patriots and will fight with everything they’ve got.

We all know how that turns out.

5. These are dark times for the American Republic.

But let’s stay focused.

And don’t be worried.

81 million never voted for the illegitimate President.

75 million DID vote for the legitimate one. At least.

And that’s that.

Violence is not the answer, because it’s what China Joe and his goons want.

6. Again, let the fools screw everything up.

Which they are, already.

Trump’s silence is deafening. They must HATE it.

It guarantees all eyes are on their incompetence and sheer insanity.

Let that be the focus.



The end.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. Prayer, Quiet, Safety, Take Care of yourselves, Keep praying for DJ Trump, for God to Hear our Voices Returning to a Godly Nation, Pray for Biden to Fall on His Knees and give up his Evil life. Silence is Power. Do not allow Anger to take away your Peaceful Determination to remain strong in the fact that you are on the Right Side of God’s Will for our country. Praying for our Enemies is a very hard thing to do, but it just may be the most Right thing to do. God will Hear your Prayers said for your enemies. We will get through this; keep your masks because the new people coming in could be ill. We are strong when we are united in our Nation Under God. Learn from the Great Information posted above, the 6 Reminders of how to keep your Power strong and Quiet. God Bless all of you, and the United States of America!

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