Deeply progressive United Methodist Church features drag queen “Penny Cost”

When performing as a drag queen, Mr. Simmons goes by the name Ms. Penny Cost (say that out loud) and in this role he performs both independently and at times as a part of Hope Church’s Sunday services.

On February 7, Simmons, dressed in drag, had several minutes of screen time in Hope Church’s livestreamed Sunday service. He begins by describing poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s poetry performance given at the Presidential Inauguration, and compares it to how Moses was called by God to speak for his people. A video of the whole service can be found on the church’s Facebook page.

Earlier in the year, on January 19, Simmons appeared as drag queen Penny, this time in a short video titled: “On The Move Together: A Drag Queen’s Prayer,” shared on Hope’s Church’s website.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. And God will strike them down making mockery out of him. What is wrong with so many churches, they try to decifer the Bible and not follow it.

  2. ‘An Abomination unto the Lord…Deut. 22:5 calls out crossdressing…’ how far away from Biblical teachings can the Methodist Church go? I am at a loss for words.

  3. What bothers me the most about stuff like this is that NO ONE speaks up to say it isn’t right. It sounds like he’s been doing this for a while in a big church that is on television and no one who saw this freak show has a problem with this? This world is so upside down. They cancel Dr Seuss and celebrate freaks. What’s next? When I think of the world my baby niece will have…. it’s terrifying to ponder what the next 20 years will bring. Things have to change!

    1. Much IS being done to fight this by traditional United Methodists. A battle is ongoing as we speak among the congregants and the hierarchy. Just because the media isn’t reporting doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. I posted this article to help wake up more people to what’s happening.

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