What is Graphene Oxide and will it kill you?

Graphene oxide, found in the jab deliberately being called a “vaccine”, is a poison. And it will kill you eventually – sometimes sooner than later. Just ask the parents of this 18-year-old girl.

Guess what else it is used for? First, a little background:

Some of you may have heard the term “graphene” being used when describing the ingredients found within various automotive coating products. Heralded as a “miracle material” by the scientific community, graphene oxide is an ultra lightweight, virtually transparent substance that is supposedly 200 times stronger than steel, and serves an outstanding heat and electricity conductor. Very cool, space-age stuff for sure. But does graphene make car coating products more resilient?

After doing some digging on the origin of graphene oxide, we unearthed some pretty startling information, as well as some impressive statistics. We were also able to discern whether or not graphene adequately fulfills its purpose in car care paint protection products, a topic that will surely remain in contention long after this article has gone to print.

Talk Nerdy to Me: What in the Hell is Graphene Oxide Anyhoo?

The discovery of graphene oxide came about when a pair of scientists, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, discovered that by applying regular adhesive tape to chunks of carbon graphite (aka pencil lead), they could obtain a single flake of carbon with the thickness of just one atom. Broken down to its most base, singular atomic carbon form, their discovery resulted in the production of the thinnest and strongest material known to man. In response to this breakthrough research, the two men were later awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010.

Since graphite is a complex, 3-dimensional crystalline material, breaking it down to a one atom thick grid turns it into a 2-dimesional lattice. Being that there are different thickness levels to graphene oxide, this substance appears clear to the naked eye until about 50 atom layers or more are stacked, at which point it turns opaque. 

“Many scientists are optimistic that graphene will one day enhance-or replace-metals and plastics in our daily lives.”

-Smithsonian Magazine

Graphene oxide is also extremely lightweight and conductive, with its temperature thresholds ranging anywhere from 2200-3300°F, which hypothetically speaking, means that it outperforms all other known materials.

As an electrical conductor, graphene performs as well as copper, and despite being almost completely transparent, remains so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it. 


As an electrical conductor, graphene performs as well as copper, and despite being almost completely transparent, remains so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it. 


Now, if you haven’t already read my post about the magnetization some are experiencing with the jab, PLEASE go read it here.

I’ll wait..

Quick Nerd Note: Due to its outstanding heat conductivity attributes, graphene oxide has seen success in a few areas of manufacturing, including electronics, and curiously enough, the clothing industry. Graphene’s mosquito-repelling propertieshave given it a sharp edge in the clothing industry, with its ability to deflect harmful UV rays giving it a strong advantage as well.

More info here: AvalonKing

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. BUT, if the mosquito bites a “vaccinated” person anyway, then does the mosquito carry the graphene oxide to OTHER people…??

    Remember months ago, when some of us dared to go into a grocery store or other public accommodation without a mask. People would SCREAM, “Where’s your mask??! You shouldn’t be out in public without a mask!!”

    But now, as the actual science of the so-called “vaccine” gets past the media gatekeepers and into the hands of the most educated society in the history of mankind, perhaps the tables need turning. Perhaps those that have been “vaccinated” should be the ones in quarantine, because THEIR blood is now a threat to the rest of society.

    I’m not a scientist, nor a physician, but I’m quite logical. If the nanoparticles in someone ELSE’s blood can be transmitted by a mosquito, then THOSE people should be isolated until it can be PROVEN that they are not a threat to the rest of us.

    1. Consider this as well — what about donated blood from someone who has received the jab? THAT could be a huge problem – one that could have deadly consequences.

      1. It does not replicate itself, it is inert in that respect, and would like become lodged in the capillaries doing it’s damage there. If it does respond to magnetic fields then it could conceivably kill a person

    2. What about the white Nurofen tablets. The black marker on them had been discovered to contain Graphine Oxide.

    1. Because they don’t want you to know. We are the news now.

      Logical thinking.
      You are the news now.
      Feb 11, 2019
      Feb 12, 2019
      Feb 17, 2019 (twice)
      Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
      Research for yourself.
      Trust yourself.
      No one ‘news’ location will provide unbiased content.
      You are the news now.
      Feb 18, 2019
      Start from beginning.
      (Small) sampling of proofs.
      Patriots in control.
      You are the news now.
      Feb 19, 2019
      You are the news now.
      Handle w/ care.
      Feb 21, 2019
      Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer US Gov’t control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?
      You are the news now.
      Feb 22, 2019
      Nothing to See Here.
      You are the news now.
      Feb 22, 2019
      The clock is ticking.
      If we are merely a so-called conspiracy (FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE), why the daily attacks by the biggest media co’s in the world (attempt to control)?
      You are the news now.
      Mar 2, 2019
      You are the news now.
      Mar 3, 2019
      You are the news now.
      Mar 25, 2019
      You are the news now.
      Handle w/ care.
      Nov 21, 2019
      Enemy of the People.
      You are the news now.
      Facts matter.
      Nov 25, 2019
      Loss of narrative control.
      You are the news now.
      May 29, 2020

  2. I inhaled graphine oxide from giving my neighbors a ride they both took the pfizer shots I have massive headaches bruising on my legs rashes my period is never the same my forehead upper back and chest is magnetic this is real it happen to me!!!

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