For Nov. 5th

On this day in history…

2008 – Barack Obama won the presidential election (the day before).
2005 – The cruise ship Seabourn Spirit evaded an attack by pirates off the coast of Somalia.
2001 – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” premieres.
2002 – Diamondbacks Pitcher Randy Johnson won fourth straight NL Cy Young award. 
1996 – Voters reelected President Bill Clinton.
1988 – The Beach Boys hit #1 in US with Kokomo. 
1984 – The Supreme Court ruled that the NFL could not block future franchise moves
1980 – Ronald Reagan is elected President.
1968 – Richard M. Nixon won the presidential election.
1968 – Shirley Chisholm is elected, first black woman to serve in Congress.
1959 – Ernie Banks, Cubs shortstop, wins second consecutive NL MVP.
1952 – Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected President.
1946 – John F. Kennedy, age 29, was elected to the US House of Representatives.
1940 – President Roosevelt was re-elected to the presidency for an unprecedented third term.
1939 – First air-conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, IL.
1935 – Parker Brothers company launches “Monopoly,” a game of real estate and capitalism.
1930 – Sinclair Lewis, novelist and playwright, won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1911 – The first US transcontinental airplane flight was begun. 
1904 – First stadium built specifically for football (Harvard Stadium).
1872 – Susan B. Anthony is arrested for trying to vote.
1605 – Guy Fawkes is betrayed and arrested in an attempt to blow up the British Parliament 
1529 – English cardinal Thomas Wolsey arrested on charges of treason.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I never heard this .. never have known of it 1940 – President Roosevelt was re-elected to the presidency for an unprecedented third term. how did this happen .. cause all they have said is 2 terms not that of a 3rd

  2. Guy Fawkes tried to murder King James I to revenge the 1604 commission to translate the Bible into English. Numerous English versions existed but the underlying text varied. The King James Bible rejected the corrupted Alexandrian text and LXX of the Old Testament as well as Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. In other words, “They took out the trash.” This really pissed off the pope. Hence, he sent Fawkes to kill the King. He failed. It didn’t end though. Today there are over 200 English bibles that contradict the King James Bible. Every one of them is based upon the manuscripts that the King James translators rejected as corrupt. The King James Bible still stands as the only Authorized Version.

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