Patel Patriot’s take on Bill Barr

Departure from the DOJ doesn’t mean he’s not on the team and still in the game (or, by our analogy, an actor in the movie).

Not to sound like a broken record but everybody who has turned on Bill Barr over his latest media tour need to take a step back and use that noggin. What was your opinion on him prior to the stolen election? 

Before 11/3/20, the media considered him Trump’s “attack dog”, his “sycophant”, his “Dick Cheney”, his “Generalissimo”.

Quite the narrative change since before the election, no?

Ever wonder if that is intentional?


Everything shown has meaning.
You are watching a ‘scripted’ movie.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Huh. How about that. Who else has been saying this?

    Optics are part of the battle. Read Sun Tzus’ “The Art of War” yet?

    Our President is a Master of 5 Dimensional chess.

    Bill Barr is an attack dog in poodle clothing.

  2. Sorry, but I just cannot agree. The Deep State knew that Trump knew he had been spied on both before and after he was elected. Remember how overwrought Comey was when Trump tweeted about his wires being tapped. They also knew he was going to fire Sessions after the mid-terms. Rather than risk Trump appointing some sort of firebrand that might actually get to the bottom of things like say, Pam Bondi, Bill Barr wrote a 19 page letter that brought him to Trump’s attention. Bill Barr (former C*A) was there to make everything go away while at the same time keeping Trump from doing any more digging on Hillary or Biden or God only knows what else that was and probably still is going on in swampland. The only thing Barr did was keep Trump from being impeached in between his speeches and interviews. It was useful to his mission to have Democrats thinking he was in the tank for Trump. What happened with the Clinton Foundation? Obviously nothing because Bill and Hill are firing it back up again. That makes it seem like they have been cleared and it is back to business as usual. What happened with Hunter Biden? He’s now selling favors disguised as paintings and making bank. There was a lap top that had all kinds of evidence but apparently now the FBI is going after the guy who owned the computer repair shop. Do I believe the 2020 election was stolen? Yes I do! But nothing will be done about it. A few people will get a slap on the wrist like Klinesmith but they will not have to suffer the financial and reputational damage that was dished out to General Flynn. Devolution sounds good on paper but it is truly not plausible when we consider that the C*A runs this country and a few other ones as well.

    1. I hate to disagree with you but when we have many years of corruption in our country it needs to be dealt with in an unconventional way. This has been many years in the planning and it all needs the rule of law…So have patience and watch how this all unfolds… God wins and NCSWIC

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