Here’s what Fake News doesn’t want you to know about Putin and Ukraine and why he’s there.

A friend asked me what was going on with Ukraine. Rather than trying to explain it to her, I’m instead pointing her to this interview with Col. Doug MacGregor who understands what and who is behind all of it, despite the blather the fake news media is putting out there for the sheeple to swallow. Feel free to pass this on. And with the interview done with Lara Logan, top international journalist.

Former top Pentagon advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine war:

Aaron Mate of the Grayzone asks Col Douglas Macgregor his take on the dominant narrative in the US that militarily this is a disaster for Russia.

Colonel Macgregor believes that in the West there is no truth and there is only wishful thinking.

Max Blumenthal follows up with a question on the military situation.

Col Macgregor’s take is the entire Russian Operation is focused on the Military Destruction of the Ukrainian Army. The Russian Army is largely successful in this goal, but it is going slow, because of the Russian intent to maintain critical infrastructure. The Azov Battalion’s operations Mariupol also comes up as point of discussion as one of the dynamics of the conflict. The entire interview is located here:…

Lara Logan:

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I just watched a video of David Mahone, born in Ireland but lives in Spain. He travels the world looking for the truth. He said he has friend u Ukraine and Russia. They have pictures of Russian soldiers carrying tiny babies and small children out of tunnels in Ukraine, one of his objectives of going in. He is trying to save the Russian living there that speak inky Russian. He said the Ukraine Nazis are capturing Russian soldiers and residents and torturing them before killing them. Russia could,have gone in and erase Ukraine off the map, but Putin doesn’t want to destroy the cities. A great video.

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