1. I tried to post this stuff on face book and they blocked me . All this is the truth and verifiable .

    Here comes China’s War of Attrition on our Vital Human parts supply we out sourced to them over the years and Now are SERFS too that supply and THE Chinese . They will squeeze our abundance down as they force us to LIVE within our means Or we get No Financial help from them !!!! Read what they say ??? In this article it talks about Europe already printing Euros for their QE monetizing of their debt to Bailout the EU countries , and this goes hand in hand with OPEC oil taking Euros for the Oil to Europe along with Russia , and this will led to less and less dollar use in the World trade and further decline of bank profits . This makes the USA less able to generate dollar use and exchange those dollar on the world markets for goods , and that is an affect we will see drive further deterioration in the USA capital growth markets , meaning we will have less and less supply . We need a leader who is that Person ???
    Beijing Downgrades US-Treasury to A+ – Is Anybody Listening?

    How U.S. would deal with UK-style riots… by sending the Army to areas with ‘large numbers of minority groups’


    US Economic Tsunami

    Congressman Roscoe Bartlett says GET OUT of the CITIES , I say why did we let it come to this ???




    This is why I say Globalism has failed , because the way this story paints the Rich it will end in the Government Obama minions getting their tax Hikes instead of Changing the Tax code to Entice the Rich to bring the profits back to the USA and put them to work and create Jobs .
    The Obama democratic machine has NO Business getting their hands on Money , ANY Money as we saw How they Only gave the last few trillion to their closest loyalists friends and the republicans are just as bad at this and we the people have to Keep the FREE markets working FOR US not being consolidated and Controlled by the Fascism thats Evolved over the years and is causing the bottle neck in Our economic capital flows , pretty much with the way the FREE trade agreement is such a Loose system where nothing in it is Held to account , like Our legal system is today , these bums don’t live by the Law they use the Law to suit them .

    Full Report: The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America


  2. I have a question when I look at these links and see the detail on the location of Our War Ships in the Middle East and deployment of our Military means in the region around Israel my question is IF Israel strikes Iran will Obama back Up Israel or Force them to Stand down before a Strike were to be Implemented ???


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