The man everyone in America trusted.

Fake News has been Fake for a Long Time

🤡Walter Leland Cronkite Jr was often known as “the most trusted man in America” 

*He was an American broadcast journalist on CBS Evening News for 19 years. Cronkite reported many events from 1937 to 1981

*He is also a globalist who seems to like satan

*1999 – He is speaking to The World Federalist Association, now known as the Citizens for Global Solutions and they advocate for World Federalism 👇

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Every day we see someone we once trusted be recognized as a part of the Long-Standing Evil Empire of Globalists like many in our Congress and Senate, who do not love and respect our Constitution. They love $$$MONEY$$$ AND CHOKEHOLD POWER OVER OTHERS AND OTHER’S MONEY.

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